History Calendar

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Extra Credit

Alice posted a game for our China Unit.  It's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?  Click HERE to play. You must get to at least $16,000.   Post your first name, highest $ you got to, and what question you lost on.  Have fun!
Offer Expires 12/2/11


Katherine Jiang Period 4 said...

I got to $250,000 without any hints. Congrats to Alice!

Ben Fariss said...

loved the new game took a few tries to get 100%

Anonymous said...

$200,000 it was a decent game tom hurst

Anonymous said...

meant to put 250,000* tom hurst

Alice, period 4 said...

I got up to 500,000! yay!

Bridgette B :D said...

It was kinda difficult but I eventually got $1,000,000 after 2 tries. On my first game I lost on this question: During what dynasty did Confucianism become a state religion? GREAT game, Alice!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to lie, I kind of sucked at this game. But then again, I'm not in your class.

-Current Millionaire,
Chad Ramos

Cris Acosta said...

I'm a millionaire!!!!!!! Yeah who wants some money

Just kidding :)

Anonymous said...

I loved this game it really fun i got to 250,000!!!
Donovan Bolanos
per 4